Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 12

Hello all! I’m in a rather cheery mood, which is good for you considering it dictates the tone of my posts. I can’t really pinpoint what gave me such a turnabout in spirits, but it was most definitely a good day.

M-ASS. Need I say more?
We began by continuing our orientation.  This may sound boring, but the Melbourne Uni’s Art Society is anything but. First of all they call themselves M-ASS (Melbourne Arts Students Society) with a donkey as their icon. It’s funny. They’re all about community, finding mates and making life in general better through creativity.  For a one time membership fee of 2 AUD, you have unlimited access to free barbeques, social gatherings, freebies and more.

I browsed the pamphlet and realized they’re gearing up for what’s called the Paint N Glow. It reminds me of Holi Moli at UNC, except it’s not based on a religious occasion, and it’s during the night. Basically, it’s one huge rave at night where everyone get’s sprayed with glow in the dark paint. Then it’s a party the rest of the night with a live DJ and food/drinks. Of course, this is put on by M-ASS. I’m pretty excited about being a part of it.

After the Intro to M-ASS, we were split again into host groups. I was really happy to meet my first real Australian friend. She’s from Queensland (don’t judge). We got to laughing about American habits like our refusal to go along with the rest of the world in our measurements, degrees and naming of sports. I also corrected a few stereotypes people had about Americans. Apparently, if you’re an American, the world expects you to have been in a sorority/fraternity and that you consistently take road trips. Haha. Really, everyone I’ve met so far has asked me if I like to take road trips. I find it hilarious. I mean, yes, I have taken quite a few trips, but they make it seem like all we do is throw some stuff in a suitcase, strap it to a car and take off down the road for whatever state we might want to visit next. Curious.

Anyway, I asked if she, as a native Australian, ever went trekking into the Outback with it being so close to where she lived, yet still so far away. I was a little surprised when she said no. Apparently, Australia is even too vast for the Australians. It’s simply so expensive to penetrate into such a vast wasteland. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a beautiful wasteland, just one that can get you killed in so many ways, the hotel prices only one of them.

I also met a girl named Wendy, from Holland. I was startled to find she’s still looking for accommodation. Apparently, I’m pretty lucky to have housing at the moment. She’s crashing at a friend’s for now until she can find a place to stay. Interestingly enough, she’s already been up the Great Ocean Road and to the Great Barrier Reef, but it was with her parents about 7 years ago. Fortunately she’s up for going again.

 Little by little, I am building up my contact list for people who are up for taking a road trip, Australian style, that is. It feels good to add names to an empty contact list on a prepaid phone, if you know what I mean. It’s like gradually, I’m recognizing more and more faces in a continent that was once completely foreign. Spring Break is going to be awesome. I am so ready to get out and explore rural Australia, or at least, as close to rural as I can get without paying absorbent amounts of money, haha.

I got to go to my first free barbie today put on by no other than M-ASS. I grabbed a piece of white bread, threw a snag on it and squirted on tomato sauce. I was set, and it was ridiculously good. Or either I was starving, I’m not sure which. While eating with my friends, a dude with gnarly dreads and ripped jeans asked if I was interested in learning how to surf.
Photo Booth pictures at the Orientation Fair.

Why yes, I did snatch that list from his hand.

Apparently, they have surfing lessons on the weekends and provide the gear for less than a 100 bucks. It sounds like a sweet offer. Of course, I’m going to have to wait a few weeks for the water to warm up…

So, we get to this Orientation Fair, and I swear it’s Fall Fest all over again, except for located inside instead of out. SO MUCH FREE STUFF AND FLIERS. It was overwhelming, but at the same time awesome. (I also had two free coffees, so I may have been a little hyped up.) But I conveniently forgot about my cold besides the occasional cough and lack of voice. They had a free photo booth, so Shayna and I took advantage.

There is also a campus magazine that I am going to try to work for. We will see if anything comes of it. Also, there are 12 libraries located on campus. Surely, I can get a job at one of them. Did I mention minimum wage is 15 AUD?? I guess that tells you how expensive things are here. Oh, if I could but get a job, travel would be SO much easier. Also, those of you who know me, know that I couldn’t have left the fair without stopping by the campus sports booth.

So, guess who has women’s Aussie Rules Footy? That’s right. Melbourne Uni.

I am so tempted. I am close to putting in an application. Apparently they have different competitive levels just like Carolina.  There is Campus Sports, which are laid back. College Sports, which are between the residential colleges on campus. And then, the actual team sports, which compete against other Unis. Australian athletes are intense. Sports are not to be taken lightly. I can’t help but admire that quality.

Sorry, this post is getting long. I’ll wrap it up soon. I finally got my Melbourne Uni student card and found out that since I’m an Exchange Undergrad student, I get concession on transportation. (Which basically translates to cheaper fees on trams and trains.) I’m not sure of the actual package deals at the moment, but I plan on stopping by tomorrow. I also got my laptop configured at the library so I will be able to use my 1 GB per week. Yay.

I got to explore more of campus today, and truly, it is beautiful. I wish I hadn’t forgotten my camera. I promise there will be photos up soon. But they also have a Wilson Hall where exams are taken. There classroom sizes are huge and technology is pretty advanced. The architecture is absolutely stunning and the quads remind me of UNC. I think the place is growing on me, but it’s probably just the trees.

I think that should be enough OJ...
Speaking of awful puns, I swung by Aldi’s today and purchased a sick kit for only 7 AUD. It includes a jug of Orange Juice, IB profen, chicken soup and chicken ramen noodles.  Cheap groceries are delicious. Anyway, since Aldi’s doesn’t give bags, Shayna helped me carry my purchases. On our way back, the soup fell out of her hands. I laughed and asked,

“What? Is that egg drop soup?”

“Ha ha. Very funny.”

So there you have it. I crack myself up.

Like an egg.

End o’story.

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