Friday, July 20, 2012

Days 13 and 14

Hey guys! I apologize for the lapse yesterday, I’m afraid my cold got the best of me and I spent most of the day indoors. I did make it on campus for an Australian culture seminar. I wish I could tell you it was productive, but honestly, I had already read the majority of things they told us. I guess that’s what I get for being overeager. After a few times around the room being awkwardly prodded to talk to the people beside and around us, we were released to do what we wanted. Shayna and I decided to dart across the road to the sushi place directly in front of the Unilodge. I swear, I couldn’t have asked for a better location to live. I feel really blessed.

I love how cheap the sushi is here. Honestly, I could live off of the stuff. I even splurged and bought a coke. (Now, you might not consider this splurging, but I’ve grown accustomed to carrying around my huge Nalgene water bottle and drinking from it instead of paying outrageous drink prices.) Anyway, after lunch, we headed back across the road to check out the campus clubs.

Talk about overwhelming. There were so many things and so many people. Don’t get me wrong. It was definitely not as big as Carolina’s Fall Fest, but honestly, when you put all of the club events and times and organizations on top of trying to adjust both physically and mentally to a new country/continent/city, well, let’s just stick with overwhelming. Still, it didn’t keep me from signing up from my fair share of clubs. One difference I found is that the Australians are quite persistent. If you want to sign up for a club, you have to practically give them one of limbs. Give a member to be a member. One of those type deals. Ok, so maybe they just make you pay to sign up, but it’s practically the same thing.

I signed up for a Christian club, a creative writing club, M-ASS (explained in my last post) and a juggling club. Yes, I’m being serious. Laugh if you want, but when I come back juggling torches, you’ll all be jealous. I thought about joining the surf club, but honestly, they wanted 30 AUD just for a membership fee and then surf weekends run around 100 AUD. Who knows, I might join in on the fun later in the semester, but right now, food is a little higher on the list.

Oh, and about the job situation. I emailed the head librarian on campus and found out ALL of the campus libraries don’t hire until October/November, so I guess that option’s out. Maybe wait staff, ya? We will see.

A mocha frappe w/ ice cream in it. Pure evil.
I also emailed the campus magazine, Farrago, after reading their most recent edition. Their fiction section is really good. The whole city of Melbourne seems to tilt on a creative hemisphere. Nothing’s too abstract, no one is too eccentric. Needless to say, I am going to submit some of my work to the magazine and see if I can get in. An Australian publication would be pretty awesome.

Last night, we tried a Malaysian restaurant about ten minutes from the Unilodge with a friend from Holland. It was a great experience, both food and company wise. I had authentic curry chicken for the first time with actual basil leaves included in the dish. It was spicy and delicious. Best part: leftovers. Two meals in one, ha.

I was also able to learn more about Holland. Apparently, pancakes are really big with the Dutch. They actually have pancake farms—except, the animals are not on the land and the farm buildings are fixed up to dine in. Different, but I don’t think I would mind eating while looking out over rolling hills and wheat fields.

Why yes, the first thing I did was bundle in my linens.
On to today. I woke up feeling a lot better. I think the cold is finally phasing out. It should be gone by the end of the week. Finally. I had the option of going to a writing seminar today, but slept in instead. I heard it was more of an introduction for first years to college level writing, so I’m not too concerned. I was able to slip down to Melbourne Central and get my student concession for transportation in the city. I am now the proud possessor of a marquee card. Ah, sweet progress.
Oh, and for those of you who don’t know yet, my linens came in! I’ve never been so happy to have a pillow and blanket. Warmth is a beautiful thing.

I also may have nonchalantly purchased a ticket and watched The Dark Knight Rises in Hoyt’s theatre. (Note: I had plans to watch it at the IMAX here, the third largest screen in the world, but decided not to for fear of whiplash. Yes. They were sold out.)
Part of the screen at Hoyt's Theatre (Melb. Central)

The theatre was amazing. Movies are so familiar to me. It doesn’t really matter what I’m watching, going to the theatre is such an ingrained experience. There’s just something about identifiable characters, plots and emotions. Maybe it’s a good thing I’m taking this Screen Writing class.

The theatre was a different experience. Seats are actually assigned by row and seat, so you can’t just go in and sit down wherever you want. Also, the seats are leather and super comfy. Honestly, I think two people could have sat in mine. And the screen was huge—plenty big enough for me.

Now, I’m not much into giving out spoilers, so the only comments I’ll make on the movie are these. Bayne’s voice needed to be made distinguishable. I mean, come on, we already have to put up with Christian’s Bales’ voice, let’s at least be able to understand one of the main characters. I thought the plot was a bit too predictable, but that’s a minor complaint since the writers had to roughly stick to the comics. Finally, as long as you don’t go into the movie with expectations for it to be as good as “The Dark Knight”, I think you’ll leave fairly satisfied.

I was just glad to see Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Hopefully, tomorrow will hold buying groceries and Queen Victoria’s Market and then the Richmond v North Melbourne footy match is on Sunday. I’m so stoked.

I hope everyone is doing well. Stick close to each other. Not meaning to sound sentimental, but I can’t get the image of the Colorado massacre out of my head tonight. Who said it couldn’t have been the theatre I was in that a gunman walked into? It’s a humbling thought.

Keep safe.


  1. Sis I thought the same thing about the theater. I am glad you finally got your linens and pillow maybe you will stay warm tonight. Best of luck with the magazine I hope they like your work. I Love You have a great time at the game on Sunday.

    1. I love you too, Mom. Thanks for keeping up with the blog. I will let you know about the magazine.
