Thursday, August 9, 2012

Paint 'n' Glow!

Days 33, 34

Hey, I just met you and this is crazy, but...

Haha. I actually didn't blog for the past three days for a reason. Life as a Melbourne Uni student has proved to be uneventful but rewarding. I like my classes, I really do, but honestly, I don't think you all want an update every time I hear something fascinating about the prickly pear or have to go through yet another creative activity to stimulate my brain...

SO. I waited until I had something fun, wild and crazy to tell you about. Tonight, I went to Paint 'n' Glow!!!

I'll tell you about it in a second. First of all, living on 12th floor has its advantages, some of which I've already told you about. But when I'm lucky, I can catch the sunset from our floor, and when I do, well, see for yourself.

I also found that looking out over the city from the 12th floor is the perfect time to write. How could such a view not be inspiring with the city stretching below, the sky stretching above and the mountains in the distance?

Besides that I learned how to make Indian food, attended a jam session with Tom, Rhi and Shayna and got some writing done on a short story. (It's so odd having so many stories and scripts "in the process," so to speak. I don't know which to work on!)

On to today! I watched the most morose short film I think I've ever seen. Powerful, very powerful, but morose. It was titled "Crossbow." Then combined with this rainy weather, I walked out of my class and felt like I needed to curl up in the fetal position and cry. (Not really. I was actually pretty inspired that a script writer could have such an impact on the audience. It was pure reality, and it smacked the viewers right in the face.)

After my short fiction class ended  at 7:00 p.m., I trucked it back to Unilodge, practically inhaled some leftover pasta I made the night before, flung on my 4th Joyner white t-shirt (woot woot 4th hall Joyner girls!) and rushed out the door to Hifi bar.

I don't know if you remember what Paint 'n' Glow is, but I mentioned it in one of my earlier posts. (Day 12 ). Anyway, the doors opened at 8:00, but everyone wanted to pre-drink first, so we didn't get there until 8:30ish. Since I don't drink and there was no way I was going clubbing without some form of artificial energy to run off, I dragged Tom with me and went on the hunt for coffee.

Oh, I found it.

Only to realize I had to finish it before the bouncers would let me in. (Should have saw that one coming.) So what was the result? I downed one of Melbourne's finest cappuccinos in about 3 minutes. Heck yes. If someone tells you caffeine highs don't exist, THEY'RE LYING. Point them in my direction.

One cappuccino and four and half hours of dancing later and I'm still going at 4 in the morning, suckers. haha.

So we get ushered through the door and there are tables set up with trays of glow n the dark paint. Everyone is already glowing. A "just slap a hand on your mate" kind of thing. By the time Tom, Rhi, Shayna and I were finished, well, let's just say you could taste the rainbow... at night.

The dj's were freaking awesome. They played just the right mix of old and new, bringing in the oldies but goodies in to "bring us back." (All of about 5 to 10 years.) Ah, it was one of the first times I really just let go. I love dancing. A quirk, I suppose, since I actually can't dance at all. I just move my feet a lot and flail around like an epileptic with a big smile on my face. Laugh if you want, but I'm happy.

Now, detail of the night. This is where my girls back home will want to tune in. If you're not into the whole "chick deets," don't be afraid to skim through the next paragraph or skip it entirely. I've warned you.

Anyway, as I was dancing free heartily with my group, I noticed a guy kind of dancing to my left who was watching me. Before I knew it, he had managed to separate me from my group to dance with me. (Mind you, that's not hard to do in a rave situation. You get jostled around from time to time and always catch back up every ten minutes or so.) Anyway, I was in the moment having fun and thought why not. So I'm dancing with this roguishly handsome guy who has his hands on my hip and I'm still flailing about while trying to have a semi-conversation with him. A few minutes in, I realize he;s getting uncomfortably close when talking to me and that's when I knew it was coming. Sure enough, he went for the kiss after only talking to me for 3 minutes. Ah, guys. Rejection, such a bitter world. This is about how it went down.

"Ah, I'm guessing that was rejection."
"Yea, sorry."
"Let me guess, you're one of those good girls, yeh?"
"Um..I guess you could say that."
"Nah, you have a boyfriend. I'm right, huh? Yea, boyfriend."

Shayna, Me, Tom, Rhi
I shrugged my shoulders and told him it was nice to meet him before scooting back over to my friends, who of course, applauded. Haha. Oh the situations you can find yourself in in clubs. I honestly had the time of my life. If you don't mind a little personal contact, BO, loud speakers and being on your feet for hours, then clubbing is for you. I think I'd like to go dancing more often...yea, I think I'll do that. Anyway, consider that 20 dollars well spent.

We all walked down Swanston St. afterwards and laughed as we got the oddest responses from the people of Melbourne. Everything from judgmental stares, to high fives, to questions about where the party was. But we didn't care. We were painted and together, and that's all that mattered.

Moral of the story: COFFEE ROCKS MY SOCKS.

I'mma sleep now.


  1. Sounds like you should have had your grandpaw there dancing with you. You remind me a lot of him, he loves to dance. Looks like you had a blast except for the kiss that did not happen. You could have kissed him and then said goodbye.....LOL.

    Love Ya!!

    1. Yea, one problem with that. His breath stank! Major tic tac problem ;)
