Sunday, August 5, 2012

Days 27-30

I was asked today what I wanted to do once I graduated, what I was going to do with a degree in journalism. I really considered the question this time, somehow not content to throw out some quip about newspapers. I really considered it because I realized how close May is, how close I am to looking for a job.

After self searching, I realized where my passions lie. They say all writers/journalists start off idealistic with dreams of changing the world but quickly realize that income must be made and stories molded to the standards of publication. In other words, they settle. They deal. They compromise.

Somehow, I want more.

I want to write and travel (both of which I’m doing now.), but not for the reasons you think. There are around 3 billion people on Earth. 3 billion faces who have lives, families and dreams. It will never be possible to understand how everyone thinks. In fact, tailoring your words to even scrape the surface of a single person’s thoughts cannot be done with 100% accuracy. BUT. There is a difference between not being able to do something, and never TRYING to do something.
Random parking lot off Lygon St.

No, I don’t understand how a man can fight against his own brother because he chose the wrong side. I don’t understand what it feels like to live with tapeworms because medicine is not available or thirst for days because the nearest wells have been poisoned.

Are these extreme situations? Yes? Does that mean they do not exist? No.

I have come to one simple realization. These people, these precious lives who are in situations we deem impossible are not to be seen or discovered simply so we can throw our sympathy and finances at them.  These children, women and men are to be unveiled so that we can LEARN from them. They possess what has allowed the human race to continue to grow and adapt over time.

And that, my friend, is endurance, the ability to get out of bed and continue putting one foot in front of the other because you know that whatever faces you will never be worse than giving up.

I want to understand how people live around the world, how different needs can arise and the faces behind those needs. Then, I want to introduce that perspective to audiences around the world through writing. I want people to read someone's story, read their words, and realize, that regardless of the fact that they are halfway around the world, they can relate exactly to what the person is going through.
Writers have already accomplished this in places all across the globe. I can only hope to be one of them.
My heart goes out to the families in Syria. In Africa. All over the world.
Pancake Parlor, Melbourne Central
Now that I’ve assured you and myself that journalism is in fact the right career for me, I will get back to blogging.

Thursday passed without much to report besides the fact that I made a fool of myself in front of my Short Fiction teacher because I thought two characters in a story were the same person. Oops. Strike one. However, I did go out that night with Shayna and Vera and did something that was absolutely scandalous:

 I had whip cream pancakes and chocolate.

We tried a restaurant called the Pancake Parlor in Melbourne Central because we had “buy a stack get a stack free” coupons. Two coupons later, three girls completely wiped four plates of two pancakes each clean. Who said girls have to leave food on the plates to look skinny? Ha.

I then further instigated trouble by suggesting/dragging my friends to “The Chocolate Bar”, a cleverly named restaurant that serves, you guessed it, only chocolate. Drinks, muffins, cakes, truffles, fountains—ok, maybe not fountains of chocolate, but everything else. Since coffee and chocolate is the best combination anyone has ever came up with in the world, I have made a point to try all forms of mocha frappachinos across Melbourne, so naturally, that was my selection. Don’t judge.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t the best. Probably because they wanted 2 dollars extra for whip cream and I was stingy. But overall, an awesome night and my stomach was super happy.
Planetshaker's "Beautiful Women" seminar
Friday was spent making a fool out of myself as I consumed the messiest sandwich in the world, hung out with the Unilodge guys and watched all manner of people, ambulances and bikes zoom up the tram tracks (which is totally dangerous and illegal, btw). It’s the first time I really had a chance to sit and people watch in Melbourne (besides the small details I notice while floating through my day). I then met up with my Christian Union friends and took off for the first session of the women’s conference.

First, let me say that God is good. But I’m pretty sure those of you who believe in Him are already aware.

I met a group of people this weekend who have become quite close over the past three days. The guest speaker was Sheryl Brady, a pastor’s wife from Dallas, Texas who actually founded a church (The River) in Durham, NC. Funny how you find connections half way around the world.

“Beautiful Women 2012” was amazing. It gave me a new perspective on worship, faith and myself. But I think the biggest thing it taught me was that I need to put more time into the things that matter most. So I think I will concentrate on fleshing out the relationships in my life with other people, but mostly with Him. Facebook! Time to meet your maker. (No, not Zuckerberg…)

San Churros on Lygon St.
Saturday was spent much the same, jamming out with Jesus and eating Pho with friends. I think I’ve finely found a home church. I’m not saying I won’t try any more, I just know that I feel really comfortable worshipping at Planetshakers. And that’s exactly what I needed.

After the morning sessions, I went out with Shayna, Wendy and Nanna for a little group bonding. After eating at a cheap Japanese restaurant that wasn’t too shabby, I again coerced them to stop in at a little chocolate shop on Lygon St. (I’ve got to stop doing that.) IT WAS AMAZING. I finally found a place where their fraps are worth what they cost. This place sells a “Mocha Mambo” which includes espresso coffee, a whole glass of rich dark chocolate and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. My god, with all of those sessions I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.  If you visit Melbourne, go to “San Churros”. It’s an order. Seriously. (
12th floor Unilodge (floor of awesomeness)
Last night, we also celebrated Tisara’s birthday. Ah, what can I say about Tisara? He surprised me. He not only refused to let anyone pay for his birthday pizza but himself (feeding the whole floor in the process) but then made everyone eat the small but delicious chocolate birthday cake someone ordered for him. We all jammed out and someone brought out a light that projected green and red on the ceiling. It was so chill. Unfortunately, the caffeine caught up with me as well as the early mornings and I effectively crashed early.

I’m so glad I’m on 12th floor. Everyone here is so friendly and accommodating. Seriously, if you need something to do, just walk out into the hallway and you’ll find somebody doing something who’s more than welcome to invite you to do it, too.

Sheryl Brady @ Beautiful Women's seminar
This morning I went to Planetshakers again. I enjoyed it but also found myself under the speakers with a migraine from the night before. (The caffeine just takes it out of me…) But overall, a good service.

 I also managed to cook rice perfectly on the stove without measuring the quantity of rice or water for lunch. But hey, it’s the small accomplishments, ya? We also had a fire alarm. Some goofball pulled the alarm while it was cold and raining outside.

However, it did lead to an interesting elevator ride with some Aussie firemen, so I wasn’t too upset about hopping down 12 flights of stairs…

Anyway, life is good Down Under. I effectively feel settled in my schedule and I’m cooking up plans for my next adventure. I do apologize for the lack of updates. I’ll get better. Hopefully.


1 comment:

  1. When is it ever going to warm up there??? Chocolate must be everywhere there ;)

    Love Ya!!
