Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week 11

Week 11

Geez, that week flew by, too! Well, at this rate, I'll be home in the blink of an eye.

In other news, I have finally BOOKED A FLIGHT TO TASSIE! And not just a ticket to Tassie, but a whole 10 day trip to Tassie. As of right now, I lined up to go with Aurelien, Tisara, Carnay, Wendy, Kay-Ann (an awesome chick from London), and one other girl who is Wendy's friend. Basically, we're renting two cars and taking off for adventure. SO excited!

There were a few highlights from this week.

So, you have to realize, this is the second to last week of classes. So, I was a little more attentive to everything--teachers, peers, classrooms, campus, then I would usually be. I actually participated in conversations instead of zoning out, I engaged peers outside of class instead of rushing to explore some new part of the city, and so on and so forth. Anyway, because of that, I really enjoyed my Bio class where we discussed Marine Animals and my Theatre class where we read some pretty decent scripts from the class.

Then of course, the prof pulls out HIS short play and makes us read it. It wasn't that bad. But hey, that's how it should be, right?

I noticed how out there theatre people can be. For example, our prof told us about a theatre experience he had the previous weekend. Apparently, you can pay this certain couple to bring the theatre experience to your own house. (Like if your hosting a party or something.) Anyway, since our prof is a theatre guru, he totally paid these guys to come to his house and put on a performance. Low and behold, any people that are in the house become a part of the play. So, here are these two seemingly Russians who come in and act a little introverted and act like they're casing the house and asking uncomfortable questions and by the end of the performance, everyone who has previously been engaged in a story the actress is telling, is completely bound by their wrists and blindfolded and the actors take off without a warning. SO freaky!

Can you imagine sitting in the dark, hands bound, waiting for the next part of the performance or the beginning of another story and it never happening? Haha. Our teacher said someone was like, "Did they leave?" and "Was that it?" How disconcerting.

And yes, you do pay for the experience.

We asked him if all of his possessions were still there after they left. Fortunately, they were.

Tuesday, I basically went out and saw the best movie I've seen since Inception. Why of course, I'm talking about Looper with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I went with Aurelien and we both agreed it was freaking amazing (my choice of words.) My mind was officially blown.Usually people can’t pull off time travel, but honestly, this one wasn’t that bad. And all of the actors were phenomenal. Bruce Willis was, well, Bruce Willis, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt was basically gorgeous. The child was creepy, but it definitely worked.

And then we went to the pancake parlour. So basically, a FANTASTIC night.

Wednesday, Wendy and I met up and had cake since it was her mom’s birthday. It was so cute that she was celebrating it here. She even dressed up and I took a picture of her eating her brownie. Lol. I ate a brownie, too. It was only proper. Ha.

 I stayed up until 2 AM finishing an essay for my short fiction class on Friday night. Well, I say finishing, but honestly, I just completed a very rough first draft that reached the word count. There will be more work to come, but I'd rather not think about that now.

Friday, I caught lunch with Aurelien and Carnay at an Asian joint that was ten bucks a pop. There was a moment between cramming my mouth with chicken and rice and talking about Tassie that a thought struck me. I'm leaving in less than seven weeks...

It’s creeping me out. Grr. I’m going to miss this place SO much. I have established so many contacts, made so many friends. :(

But enough of that!

After lunch, Aurelien and I made it to Bio and listened to a new lecturer. I miss the old teacher. Oh well, this lady flopped a huge piece of kelp across the stage that was longer than she was, and she was pretty tall... cool enough for me.

After Bio, I met Nanna and we laid out in the botanical gardens. For once, the weather wasn’t crappy. I was wearing my southern cross blue tank and was so happy I’d thrown it on under my jumper. I ended up lying out under 'my' tree and finished my synopsis for my short script. Then Nanna and I rewarded ourselves for being productive and got a coffee at the professors' walk. I was so happy to sip on my iced mocha in the sunshine. It was beautiful.

Then we met up with Wendy in the library after working and went out to dinner at this little café a little ways down Swanston. This guy who was an older waiter was totally hitting on us, even sitting with us to help us order. He was really nice, but not our type, mainly because he was OLD.

Then Nanna and I got back to it, hopping into a couch space in the frank tate building, and I started and finished my 1000 word essay after getting into an email battle with my teacher on the differences between metaphoric and elliptical plots. The prick. I really don’t like Grant, honestly; I think it’t the whole old white men who think they’re the only good writers in the world thing. Honestly, they’re just mad because they’re old and decrepit and still have yet to gain any recognition because in the end, their works are simply mediocre. But hey, that’s just my opinion.

ANYWAY. He totally called me out in class the other day for using the work public “outlash” in my description of why one of the main characters was building a wall. He asked if it was one of those American words. Pssht. I told him to look it up in the dictionary. He did. I won.

(Although, technically, it's not in Webster's. Just every other dictionary...) 

Yea… so I went out Saturday to the library again after grabbing coffee with Shayna and then searched around Princess park and found a free bbq with nanna and met this international kid, Nick Allen, who works at an outdoor shop and offered me a 75 percent discount on sleeping bags. I almost took him up on it. Apparently, Tassie gets REALLY cold at night. Ick.  Then I worked on my play and got it around 1200 words as opposed to 900 and still need to get it to 2000. Then we hit up Aldis and grabbed some food and I was bad and bought a coke to accompany my dinner.

Today, I went to the zoo with Aurelien, a guy from London name Charlie, a Malaysian girl who I can't quite remember the name of, and a girl named Charlotte. It was a pretty good zoo. Not bad at all. I still think I like Healsville Sanctuary, but they are two completely different kinds of zoos. One is meant to be open and contain only Australian animals whereas Melb zoo is enclosed and has animals from all over the world. One difference I found intriguing was that the zoo had Asian Elephants on display as opposed to African elephants, which are usually displayed in the States. They differ in size, tusks and trunks. I think they're a little bit cuter, too.

There was also a butterfly house. I forgot how magical those places can be. I think it has to do with how warm, green and fluttery the place not only are, but make you feel. Apparently, Aurelien smelled good or something, because he was a butterfly magnet.


Meh. Missed Shaker's today, but I was already committed to the zoo ticket. However, Urbs this Wednesday! Can't wait.

Oh, and I caught a rugby game this weekend! I actually got to watch the game between OZ and NZ live during normal TV hours! Heck yes! It was so close, though most of the points were from penalties. Final outcome? We tied! Take that All Blacks. Oh, and it totally broke the All Black's streak of 17 consecutive wins... hahaha. (evil laugh.)

Sigh. Ok. I suppose it's time.

 C'mon Melbourne Uni. Bring on the last week.

All good things must come to an end.


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