Monday, December 17, 2012

Return to Reality

I suppose I should at least have the courtesy to close this blog down properly since you have all had the decency to keep up with it this long. I caught a plane to L.A. on Tuesday and have now been home for six days after almost 30 hours straight of traveling. I thought hard after returning and settling back into who I was as to what  I wanted to take away from one of the most amazing journeys of my life. I guess the first would be this:

  1. Love people. No matter what size, shape, color, gender or lifestyle. We should all be able to look someone in the eye and recognize ourselves.
  2. There's nothing wrong with having your own beliefs, as long as you're not forcing them on other people. Heck, you should even be excited to share what makes you tick inside when someone's curious.
  3. Realize, that no matter where you are, it is the people you surround yourself with that truly determine whether or not you are content.
  4. Stop and admire the beautiful things in life.
  5. Don't become accustomed to a car. Get out and walk somewhere that you don't have to just because you can.
  6. Condiments are American.
  7. And as always, "It's the small things..."
Yes, I'm sure there is a plethora of untold bits of knowledge I've picked up along the way, but those will have to be revealed later.

Thank you, to everyone who kept up with me while I was abroad. Thank you for the love, prayers and financial aid you have all provided to make this trip possible. And thank you, for daring to see beyond the horizon.

Oh, and if you are particularly keen on keeping up with me throughout my return to the States, then I would direct you to my newest blog:

(If you are wondering about that Tasmania trip, well, it was simply too serene to put into words. That, and I am lazy.)

I bid you adieu.
Jordan Moses.

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