Friday, September 14, 2012

Days 72-75

All right.  I'll make this one quick.
San Churros strikes again.
I basically was completely lazy the remainder of this week besides finishing a synopsis and doing regular work for classes.

Wednesday, I skipped my Bio lecture because... well, because I was completely content sitting at Don Tojos across from Shayna finishing my Japanese food and moving on to Lygon St. where we found the largest piece of chocolate cake we could find and tried to devour it.

Even we couldn't finish it.

That night I hung out with my Urban Life group again. And, as always, it was refreshing to see familiar faces.

Thursday I saw an opossum on campus which was definitely the highlight of my day. I was walking up the steps when I saw this brown little fuzzy thing scamper past some Uni students' feet and up into a tree. Then he casually began to munch on leaves like nothing had happened.
Then, God saw my misery of having a writing workshop until 8 PM, so he let sushi rain down from the heavens. Or rather, from the hands of one of my classmates who happened to be walking by the cafe downstairs when they were about to throw out all of the sushi rolls that had not been eaten that day.

Ah, the joys of leftovers. (Aka Free food.)

Then I hung out with Nanna and Wendy who came over to Unilodge. Haha, it's the first time I've been self conscious about my room being a mess. It was good to catch up with them before we all go our separate ways for break. We've determined that I'm going to Europe at which point I will have free housing and that they will visit the States where they will have free housing.

Excellent plan if I don't say so myself.

Interesting fact of the day: The first language in Singapore is English. (Why yes, I do plan on travelling there!)

That night I played pool with a guy from Bangladesh. Apparently, he was on the national pool team! I never knew there were such things. But there are, and he taught me so many small techniques from  angles, to how to cue, to shadowing, to avoiding cheap trick shots by using the ACTUAL techniques. It was awesome. Now, like every other thing I want to get better at, all that's left is to practice!

Today (Friday) I spent the whole day with Janielle. It was her 19th birthday and we both spent it with cameras in hand. It was so awesome to talk to someone who has so many of the same passions you do. We went to Brunettis (a heavenly coffee/chocolate place) and then walked through Melbourne's Botanical Gardens. Even though it was a really drab day, we made the best of it and didn't really notice the weather. We then had lunch at a Thai place that was spicy and delicious. I've never really tried Thai, but I'm now convinced I love it.

Afterwards, we walked around Melbourne Central until our feet hurt. Haha. A day well spent, if I don't say so myself.

AND FINALLY! I wil release the details of my Spring Break plans.

Tomorrow night, we fly out to Sydney where we will be staying at Rhi's place. (Rhi has been so accommodating. Much more so than Unilodge... She's really been so great about the whole thing. It makes me glad I've found the friends I have while staying here.) Tom, Flo, Shayna, Rhi and I will spend four days living it up in Sydney, and then Shayna and I will take off for Brisbane. After three days in Brisbane, we will head up to Cairns. (Yes, the place where the Great Barrier Reef is located as well as the Daintree Rainforest.) Wish us good luck!

I will have my laptop on me, but I cannot guarantee regular updates as the presence of Wifi has not yet been confirmed. But for now, hold your breath and wait for my next installment of life in Sydney!

If I get eaten by a freshwater crocodile... I love you guys. ;)

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